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Women's March: 500,000 people take to the streets of Washington amid global Trump protests - as it happened

Up to 2.5 million people gather at demonstrations all over the world 

Siobhan Fenton
London, New York
,Lizzie Dearden,Feliks Garcia
Saturday 21 January 2017 10:34 GMT
Thousands join London Women's March

More than half a million have gathered in Washington to protest Donald Trump's inauguration, while millions of others - including an estimated 100,000 people marching through London - have taken part in demonstrations around the world. Here are how events unfolded:

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Women's Marches are a collective of events against the 45th President are taking place at different cities around the world. The London march is expected to be among the biggest outside the US, with thousands of protesters attending from noon.

Thousands more are expected to march on New York and Washington, while protests have also taken place in countries including Australia and New Zealand.

Organisers say they decided to organise the action due to their distress and dismay at the politician's election. Although originating in the US, off-shoots soon emerged around the world as others overseas sought to show solidarity.

Mr Trump was criticised for expressing misogynistic beliefs during the election campaign. Such criticisms intensified as video footage emerged of the politician appearing to gloat about committing sexual assault.

He has also been accused of having "ableist" attitudes after mocking a journalist who has a disability.

Concerns have also been raised that Mr Trump denies climate change and has been critical of LGBT rights.

The march is billed as "woman-led" but welcomes "people of all genders".

In its mission statement, the march organisers say: "We will march, wherever we march, for the protection of our fundamental rights and for the safeguarding of freedoms threatened by recent political events. We unite and stand together for the dignity and equality of all peoples, for the safety and health of our planet and for the strength of our vibrant and diverse communities.

"We will come together in the spirit of democracy, honouring the champions of human rights who have gone before us. Please spread the word, so that our numbers are too great to ignore and the message to the world is clear.The politics of fear and division have no place in 2017."

High profile speakers including Labour MPs Yvette Cooper and Stella Creasy are to address the crowds.


Here's some photos from the Women's Marches in Nairobi, Kenya, and Cape Town, South Africa

Lizzie Dearden21 January 2017 11:05

Lizzie Dearden21 January 2017 11:08

Hundreds of thousands of people are expected to take part in the US women's marches, with the largest taking place in Washington. 

It will feature speakers, celebrity appearances and a protest walk along the National Mall, a day after Donald Trump was inaugurated amid protests.

Among the key issues are Mr Trump's infamous recorded conversation where he bragged of 'grabbing (women) by the pussy', and his plans to repeal the 2010 Affordable Care Act, which among other things requires health insurers to cover birth control.

Celebrities such as the musicians Janelle Monae and Katy Perry - both of whom supported Clinton in the election - are expected to take part in Saturday's march. Women have knitted pink cat-eared “pussy” hats for the occasion.

Lizzie Dearden21 January 2017 11:33

Surely the most dramatic setting for a Women's March so far today

Lizzie Dearden21 January 2017 11:35

Women's Marches have also been kicking across Europe, with several separate events taking place in France, Germany, Italy, Spain, the Czech Republic and several other countries.

Lizzie Dearden21 January 2017 11:42

Piers Morgan's contribution to the debate is going down like a ton of bricks...

Lizzie Dearden21 January 2017 11:43

Some great slogans on the signs so far, my personal favourite is "We Will Overcomb". Here's this gem from Geneva:

Lizzie Dearden21 January 2017 11:51

And the new President of the United States is awake, thanking one of his favoured media outlets for their review of his speech. And interestingly, he's sticking to his old personal Twitter account, rather than using the official @POTUS handle, which is rumoured to be controlled by aides. Imagine they'll be keeping a closer reign on his posts.

Lizzie Dearden21 January 2017 11:54

No comment so far from the President about the women's marches, or on any other protests on his inauguration. In London, mayor Sadiq Khan is among politicians supporting the demonstrators.

Lizzie Dearden21 January 2017 12:00

Lizzie Dearden21 January 2017 12:01

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