Donald Trump misrepresents Barack Obama's 'screaming' response to protester

Mr Trump's version of events appears to differ significantly from reality

Samuel Osborne
Sunday 06 November 2016 10:49 GMT
Donald Trump misrepresents Barack Obama's 'screaming' response to protester

Donald Trump has branded President Barack Obama's response to a protester a "disgrace," accusing him of "screaming" at him.

"You have to go back and look and study and see what happened," Mr Trump told his supporters at a rally in Hershey, Pennsylvania, on Friday.

"There was a protester, and a protester who like us. [Mr Obama] was talking to the protester, screaming at him, really screaming at him.

"If I spoke the way Obama spoke to that protester, they would say: 'He became unhinged!' And he spends so much time screaming at this protester, and frankly, it was a disgrace."

However, Mr Trump's version of events appears to differ significantly from reality.

While Mr Obama was speaking in Fayetteville, North Carolina, on Friday, a protester in a military uniform and a beret stood up with a Trump sign.

As the pro-Hillary crowd booed the protester, Mr Obama told them: "Hold up! Hold up!"

He said: "You've got an older gentleman who is supporting his candidate. He's not doing nothing. You don't have to worry about him."

"We live in a country that respects free speech. Second of all, it looks like he might have served in our military and we got to respect that. Third of all, he was elderly, and we got to respect our elders.

"And fourth of all," he added. "Don't boo! Vote!"

Mr Trump repeated his claim at a rally in Tampa, Florida, on Saturday. He said Mr Obama was "screaming and screaming and screaming, just like the way he runs the country, no one listens to him".

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