Donald Trump attacks Ahmad Khan Rahami's right to a lawyer and medical treatment

'We must deliver a just and very harsh punishment to these people'

Samuel Osborne
Tuesday 20 September 2016 08:41 BST
Donald Trump attacks Ahmad Khan Rahami's right to a lawyer

Donald Trump said it was a 'sad situation' that the Afghan immigrant arrested for this weekend's New York bombings would receive quality medical care and legal representation.

Speaking at a packed Florida rally as his supporters shouted "Hang him!", the Republican presidential candidate said: "We must deliver a just and very harsh punishment to these people.

"These are enemies, these are combatants and we have to be tough, we have to be strong."

Mr Trump also lamented that Ahmad Khan Rahami, as a US citizen, will be given a lawyer and medical treatment for the two gunshot wounds he received when police arrested him on Monday.

"The bad part: now we will give him amazing hospitalisation," the Republican presidential hopeful said, to the sound of booing from the audience. "He will be taken care of by some of the best doctors in the world. He will be given a fully modern and updated hospital room.

"And he’ll probably even have room service, knowing the way our country is. And on top of all of that he will be represented by an outstanding lawyer," Mr Trump added.

Both candidates moved swiftly following the bombings in New York and New Jersey and stabbings at a Minnesota mall to cast themselves as the most qualified to combat terrorism at home and abroad.

Hillary Clinton touted her national security credentials at a hastily arranged news conference outside her campaign plane, accusing Mr Trump of using the incidents to make "some kind of demagogic point."

On Monday, Mr Trump called for tougher policing, including profiling foreigners who look like they could have connections to terrorism or certain Middle Eastern nations.

"This isn't just a matter of terrorism, this is also really a question of quality of life," he said. "We want to make sure we're only admitting people into our country who love our country."

Additional reporting by agencies

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