Democrats to spend millions to tie Republican candidates to Koch brothers

So-called super PAC will work to link conservatives to mega-rich industrialists

Payton Guion
Tuesday 23 June 2015 18:04 BST

Democrats apparently will resort to what has become business as usual after a group announced that it plans to spend millions to link Republican candidates to the billionaire political donors the Koch brothers.

An organization called American Bridge 21st Century will spend roughly $4 million to analyze everything coming out of Koch Industries, including their political activities, in an effort to oppose Republican candidates, the New York Times reported.

Similar attempts have been made in the last few national elections, with mixed results. American Bridge was founded by David Brock, a supporter of Hillary Clinton.

This effort from the left comes as the Koch brothers’ political machine has said it plans to spend upwards of $900 million in favor of Republican candidates in the 2016 presidential campaign.

American Bridge was largely responsible for the 2012 effort to Republicans to the “legitimate rape” comments made by Todd Akin, a Republican who was running for Senate in Missouri, the Times reported.

The organization plans to hire more researchers and a press person who will be solely focused on digging up Koch-brothers dirt on Republican candidates.

A Koch Industries spokesman

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