Calvin Klein features 73-year-old Lauren Hutton as its newest underwear model

The American Gigolo star is one of a number of woman to feature

Chantal da Silva
Friday 21 April 2017 18:54 BST
Calvin Klein Women’s Spring 2017 underwear advert - director's cut

Lauren Hutton, a 73-year-old model and actress, is featured in a new advertising campaign for Calvin Klein underwear.

The American Gigolo star models lingerie alongside Kirsten Dunst and Rashida Jones in the minute-long promo, directed by Sofia Coppola.

Fashion magazine Vogue has praised the advert, shot in grainy black and white, saying it proves “there’s no age limit to being an underwear model”.

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Each of the women, whose ages range from 18 into their 70s, was handpicked by Ms Coppola.

In addition to Kirsten Dunst and The Office actress Rashida Jones, the promo includes Nathalie Love, Laura Harrier, Chase Sui Wonders – the niece of designer Anna Sui, and Maya Thurman-Hawke – the daughter of Ethan Hawke and Uma Thurman.

In addition to the group's promo video, each woman also stars in her own separate film.

Hutton shares a personal story about a surprisingly effective chat-up line.

“I was going across a courtyard and I was going very fast because I didn't want anyone to hit on me,” she says.

“Suddenly there's this guy right in front of me ... and he said: ‘You wanna go for a ride in my new truck?’ I mean that was the corniest pick-up line I'd ever heard in my life.”

But Hutton says it worked.

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