Police declare curfew after thousands of revelers attend viral Tik Tok party at California beach

Wild birthday celebration organised on social media with #adrianskickback hahtag

Graeme Massie
Los Angeles
Sunday 23 May 2021 20:42 BST
Huntington Beach police tries to disperse crowd after promoted social media event

Police declared an emergency curfew after thousands of revelers attended a viral beach birthday party promoted on Tik Tok.

Officials say they tried to shut down the “unruly” party in Huntington Beach, California at 10pm on Saturday night but many of the partiers refused to go home.

The wild bash started as an online birthday party invitation with the hashtag #adrianskickback and attracted people from outside of the state, according to FOX 11 Los Angeles.

A video posted earlier in the week by the TikTok page adrian.lopez517 included a caption that read “pop out n celebrate my bday.”

Authorities say the emergency curfew remains in place until 5.30pm PST on Sunday.

The partygoers began to congregate on the Orange County beach, which is 36 miles south of Los Angeles, on Saturday afternoon.

When officers later tried to disperse the crowd some people climbed on top of the lifeguard towers and set off fireworks, reported the Orange County Register.

The fireworks added to chaotic scenes as many people ran for cover.

Police say they also dealt with a fake bomb threat and that one patrol car had its window smashed.

Hunting Beach Police Department say they had been prepared for the event after monitoring social media in the build-up.

“As is the case with ALL large gatherings in Huntington Beach, we have taken steps to prepare for a potential increase in visitors this weekend due to a promoted gathering that has received significant interest on social media,” they tweeted.

Officials warned people that there should be no alcohol, drugs or fireworks on the beach.

HBPD added that it noted it was “taking significant steps to prepare for the potential influx of visitors, including working closely with our regional public safety partners. Toward that end, the HBPD will also be strictly enforcing all applicable laws & ordinances throughout the weekend.”

There has been no confirmation of any arrests being made.

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