Jeremy Corbyn promises a 'reckoning' for Britain's unscrupulous elite

The Labour leader says the economy is rigged

Jon Stone
Political Correspondent
Tuesday 09 May 2017 13:03 BST
Labour party leader Jeremy Corbyn speaks outside at Leamington Spa Town Hall
Labour party leader Jeremy Corbyn speaks outside at Leamington Spa Town Hall (Getty Images)

A Labour government would bring a "reckoning" for Britain's unscrupulous elite and do away with the "rigged" nature of the economy, Jeremy Corbyn will say today.

Launching Labour's general election campaign in Manchester on Tuesday Mr Corbyn will warn of an economy that "is rigged in favour of the rich and powerful".

Turning his attention to tax cheats and asset stripping bosses, the Labour leader will pledge to "ruin their party".

"When Labour wins there will be a reckoning for those who thought they could get away with asset stripping our industry, crashing our economy through their greed and ripping off workers and consumers," he will say.

"Don’t wake on up on 9 June to see celebrations from the tax cheats, the press barons, the greedy bankers, Philip Green, the Southern Rail directors and crooked financiers that take our wealth, who have got away with it because the party they own, the Conservative Party, has won.

"We have four weeks to ruin their party. We have four weeks to take our wealth back. We have four weeks to win and transform Britain for the many not the few."

He will tell activists they "have four weeks to take our message to voters to convince them Britain can be better" and say that "when Labour wins, the British people win".

He will also say the issue of Brexit is "settled" and that the question before the electorate is about what sort of country they want Britain to become after it leaves the EU.

"Labour will not allow the Tories to put their party interests ahead of the real national interest, the interests of the British people," he will tell Labour campaigners.

"This election isn’t about Brexit itself. That issue has been settled. The question now is what sort of Brexit do we want – and what sort of country do we want Britain to be after Brexit?

"Labour wants a jobs-first Brexit, a Brexit that safeguards the future of Britain’s vital industries, a Brexit that paves the way to a genuinely fairer society and an upgraded economy.

"When Labour wins, the British people win. The nurse, the teacher, the small trader, the carer, the builder, the office worker win."

Labour's manifesto is to be decided by its Clause V committee – a joint meeting of the shadow cabinet, NEC, and other officials.

The party is trailing the Tories by double figures in the polls and will need a significant turnaround to beat the Conservatives and save dozens of seats.

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