Conservative MP says Taunton is like war-torn Aleppo, prompting widespread bemusement

‘Shameful and disgraceful – I have no idea why he would make the comparison,’ says Tory leader of local council

Colin Drury
Friday 01 February 2019 16:44 GMT
Tory MP compares Taunton to war-ravaged Aleppo

One is an English county town with an eighth-century castle, pleasant high street and national park right on its doorstep. The other is a Syrian city left in almost complete ruins after eight years of brutal civil war.

But these distinctions appear to have failed to register with the MP for Bridgwater and West Somerset, who chose to liken Taunton to Aleppo during a House of Commons debate on Thursday.

Ian Liddell-Grainger, whose own constituency neighbours the town, was attempting to draw attention to its boarded-up shops during a discussion about the high street.

The Tory said: “Exeter city has just brought out an excellent report looking 20 years ahead for the security and the growth of their city centre. Across the border, my county town Taunton is more like Aleppo than anything else.”

It is understood Mr Liddell-Grainger has never visited Syria’s second city but a quick perusal of pictures could have shown him it bears very little resemblance to the ancient Somerset town.

The former has been virtually razed to the ground since 2011, while the latter – having not been repeatedly bombed, nor seen thousands of its residents killed in such attacks – is still very much standing.

“I will leave your readers to think up the choice words for someone who would ally the suffering and devastation of Aleppo with the beauty and safety of Taunton,” said John Williams, conservative leader of Taunton Deane Council, when contacted by The Independent.

“It is shameful and disgraceful. I have no idea why he would make the comparison.”

He added that Taunton had taken in between 20 and 30 Syrian refugees, who would almost certainly find the remarks offensive.

Mr Liddell-Grainger himself has not responded to The Independent’s request for comment.

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But asked if he had ever been to Syria, a member of his office said: “It’s not for me to say.”

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