Abingdon council rejects proposal to fly rainbow flag for Pride

The council said the flag would set a 'clear precedent' for other flags to be flown in the town

Samuel Osborne
Sunday 03 July 2016 13:47 BST
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Researchers, who examined the daily experiences of LGBT+ women, found they face a slew of issues in the workplace and many are 'in the closet at work' (Getty)

Abingdon town council has voted against a motion to fly the rainbow flag from the town's county hall for a Pride event.

Abingdon-on-Thames Town Council voted seven to six against a proposal to display the flag at next year's Oxford Pride on 3 June, 2017.

The council said the flag would set a "clear precedent" for other flags to be flown in the town, the BBC reported.

An Oxford Pride spokesperson told Pink News: “It’s important to show the community that their town supports them regardless of sexuality and gender, unfortunately some of Abingdon town council don’t agree."

“For the town council to refuse this emblem of inclusion and acceptance, indicates that there are some still in control who do not wish such virtues to be part of an English town.”

A petition against the council's decision not to fly the flag now has over 1,000 supporters

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