Parsons Green explosion: Some passengers 'took selfies' as crowd tried to escape London Tube station

'What is the world coming to?' asks shocked witness

Jon Sharman
Friday 15 September 2017 11:50 BST
Parsons Green explosion: Evacuated commuter on platform "saw a fireball"

Passengers escaping the Parsons Green Tube explosion took selfies on the station's platform, it has been claimed.

A witness said they saw commuters taking pictures of themselves amid the chaos that left several people injuried because of a crush.

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Eighteen people were taken to hospital after the incident, which police are treating as terror-related.

Ryan Bartnett, 25, was caught up in the chaos.

He said he saw people with burn injuries and others taking selfies.

He added: “There were a lot of people taking photos, there was a couple of people taking selfies and I thought: ‘What is the world coming to?’”

”I was sitting there, headphones in, at Parsons Green, the doors open fine, I’m not really paying attention and all of a sudden hundreds of people run past me screaming a mixture of ‘stampede’, ‘attack’, ‘terrorist’, ‘explosion’, ‘get off the train’, ‘everyone run’.

“Parsons Green station has a staircase at the front of the carriage where the train pulls up – I’m running and keeping my head down because there might be gunfire and on to the staircase.

“But when I was on the staircase, the stewards and other passengers, they are shouting ‘stop, stop, stop’, so I ended up squashed on the staircase, people were falling over, people fainting crying, there were little kids clinging on to the back of me.

“It is absolute chaos, it was quite scary because at one stage we thought we might be trapped there – I heard a pregnant woman lost her shoes and had fallen over.”

Additional reporting by agencies

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