Judge launches expletive-laden, four-letter response to racist defendant in court

The defendant had been sentenced for racially abusing a black Caribbean mother in Essex

May Bulman
Thursday 11 August 2016 12:51 BST
Judge Patricia Lynch QC
Judge Patricia Lynch QC (Photoshot)

A judge hit back at a man who verbally abused her in the courtroom by launching an expletive-laden response at him.

Judge Patricia Lynch QC received a tirade of abuse from John Hennigan, 50, after she sentenced him for insulting a black Caribbean mother in Essex.

Following the ruling at Chelmsford Crown Court, Mr Hennigan told Judge Lynch she was "a bit of a c**t" to which she retorted: "You're a bit of a c**t yourself. Being offensive to me doesn't help.“

Mr Hennigan then responded: "Go f**k yourself", to which Ms Lynch replied: "You too."

The defendant proceeded to bang on the glass panel of the dock, perform a Nazi salute and twice and shout “Sieg Heil” before singing anti-Semitic songs, according to the Essex Chronicle.

Judge Lynch responded by saying: “We are all really impressed. Take him down.”

Mr Hennigan, from Harlow, had pleaded guilty to breaching his Anti Social Behaviour Order (ASBO) for the ninth time in 11 years after using racist language towards Tanisha Ford.

Ms Ford had recently moved to Harlow and had been with her two children, aged eight and six, looking for a shop.

The court heard that Mr Hennigan racially abused Ms Ford, saying: "I don't agree with inter-racial relationships. I like natural" before adding: "I prefer white children".

Mr Hennigan's previous offences include abusing a bus driver and pub door staff and raising an arm in a Nazi salute to a member of the public.

An Old Bailey judge has previously described him as “a disgrace to the values of this country”.

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