Four stranded deer rescued after being swept down river

Animals named Dancer, Prancer, Dasher and Blitzen by team who saved them

Chiara Giordano
Tuesday 24 December 2019 19:06 GMT
RSPCA water rescue team saves four roe deer stuck on a piece of land at the side of the River Irwell in Salford, 17 December, 2019.
RSPCA water rescue team saves four roe deer stuck on a piece of land at the side of the River Irwell in Salford, 17 December, 2019. (RSPCA/PA)

Four deer that became stranded after being swept down a river in Greater Manchester have been named Dancer, Prancer, Dasher and Blitzen by their rescuers.

The animals were rescued after they became trapped on a piece of land at the side of the River Irwell, in Salford, last Tuesday.

It is believed they became stuck there after being washed downstream from the Kersal wetlands three days earlier.

Daring Dasher escaped and swam upstream, but the other three were reluctant to follow and were eventually saved in a four-hour rescue involving the RSPCA and Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service.

Steve Wickham, an animal welfare officer for the RSPCA, said: “When we attended the scene one of the deer, Prancer, ran off and was able to get over the high fence.

“But Dancer and Blitzen were still stranded on the land so we launched the boats to encourage them into the river.

“We were hoping to guide them upstream by encouraging them to swim away from the boats in that direction, but both were struggling.

“We managed to safely grab each deer from the river and hauled them on to the boat and took them back upstream where we were able to free them.

RSPCA water rescue team saves four roe deer stuck on a piece of land at the side of the River Irwell in Salford, Greater Manchester, 17 December 2019.
RSPCA water rescue team saves four roe deer stuck on a piece of land at the side of the River Irwell in Salford, Greater Manchester, 17 December 2019. (RSPCA/PA)

“They both ran off to the area we believe they live so they are home for Christmas at least, and maybe we can go as far as saying we saved Christmas for these four deer.”

Additional reporting by Press Association

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