Clinically vulnerable teen attacked online by anti-lockdown activists

The 13-year-old boy says he feels ‘nothing but despair’ and fears ‘dangerous’ schools return

Leonie Chao-Fong
Sunday 08 August 2021 19:04 BST
Schools are due to return in September without any Covid-19 mitigations
Schools are due to return in September without any Covid-19 mitigations (Getty/iStockp)

A clinically vulnerable teenage boy who spoke “bravely” about his fears over the lack of Covid-19 restrictions in schools has become the target of online abuse.

Zach, 13, shared his experiences of struggling with mental health in front of a virtual panel hosted by Independent Sage and said he felt “nothing but despair” for children like himself who are at higher risk of severe illness from coronavirus.

“Some people who don’t suffer like this or know what it is like to struggle for breath don’t fully understand the fear, anxiety and effects on my mental health,” he told scientists on Friday.

His words were praised by many on social media, who thanked him “for bravely speaking out and sharing your story”.

One person commented under the video: “This young man had me in tears when I watched him earlier, what a very powerful message he sends on behalf of youngsters like himself. It moved me so much I can’t even describe it. Zach you should be very proud of yourself for speaking up and questioning policy.”

Another person tweeted: “Please know your video was one of the bravest things I’ve ever seen. So many parents & families agree with you & are living your experience. Thank you. Now look after yourself.”

But the clip also generated some negative comments from people who claimed the teenager had been “set up” and “brainwashed” by pro-lockdown scientists.

On Sunday, Independent Sage said it was “appalled” that the teenager had been subjected to online abuse after speaking “movingly” about his fears.

In a statement on Twitter, it said: “We will take every step necessary to protect him, including reporting these accounts to Twitter and the police.

“Young people must be able to have a voice without being exposed to bullying, hate speech and harassment.

“When children hear that Covid doesn’t affect them, it makes many pay less attention to mitigations, as some incorrectly think that children aren’t affected.”

At the virtual panel, Zach said the introduction of face masks in schools in November “helped a lot”, but feared for his safety once pupils return to school after the summer break.

He said: “Come September, school guidelines in England state it’s business as usual with all mitigations gone. No masks, no bubbles, no distance, no staggered start and finish times, no one-way systems, no air filters and changing together for PE.

“[It’s] everything as normal – when we are far from living in a normal world, especially when there are new rules indicating that a teacher with a Covid-positive child can still teach me.

“With most over-18s vaccinated, this has to be the most dangerous time ever for kids in school as the virus jumps to those unvaccinated.

“Unbelievably, there is still no choice of a vaccine for me or those like me in the UK. I watched millions of others my age in other countries get vaccinated. All I feel is despair.

“How is this a safe environment for children to be educated in?”

In July, the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) advised that children aged 12 to 15 with severe neurological conditions, Down’s syndrome, immunosuppression or multiple or severe learning disabilities should receive two doses of the Pfizer vaccine.

All 16 and 17-year-olds in the UK will also be offered a Covid-19 vaccine, the government confirmed last week, with the rollout of doses set to begin in the coming weeks.

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