British yachtswoman Susie Goodall would 'race again in a heartbeat' despite capsizing in storm

'Some people just live for adventure – it’s human nature'

Chiara Giordano
Saturday 15 December 2018 17:04 GMT
Video shows extent of damage to luxury yachts after huge storm hits Italy

A solo sailor who was stranded at sea for 50 hours after her boat capsized during a round-the-world race said she would do it all again “in a heartbeat”.

Susie Goodall’s comments came just hours after she arrived back safely on dry land in the Chilean southern city of Punta Arenas on Friday, where she was met by her mother and brother.

The 29-year-old British yachtswoman was the youngest entrant and the only woman in the Golden Globe Race, which began on 1 July in Les Sables-d’Olonne, France.

A violent storm ripped off her mast and flung her yacht end-over-end on 5 December, knocking her unconscious.

Race officials kept in regular radio contact with Ms Goodall, who was 2,000 miles west of Cape Horn near the southern tip of South America when the storm occurred.

She was rescued two days later by the Tian Fu – a cargo vessel from China.

In a statement on her website on Friday evening, Ms Goodall said despite her ordeal she would attempt the round-the-world sail again in a “heartbeat”.

“If you asked me if I would do this again, now knowing what it’s really like, I would say yes in a heartbeat,” she said.

“You may ask why. Some people just live for adventure – it’s human nature. And for me, the sea is where my adventure lies.

British solo sailor Susie Goodall embraces her mother after arriving on the cargo ship MV Tian Fu in Punta Arenas, Chile, on Friday
British solo sailor Susie Goodall embraces her mother after arriving on the cargo ship MV Tian Fu in Punta Arenas, Chile, on Friday (AP/Joel Estay)

“Every seafarer understands the risks involved but that’s what makes us stronger and able to overcome other challenges in life.”

Ms Goodall thanked everyone who helped rescue her, including the captain, crew and owners of Tian Fu.

She added: “After arriving in Punta Arenas today, I’m still a little wobbly both emotionally and physically, as I find my land legs again.

“I arrived with a heavy heart, no longer a competitor in the Golden Globe Race – but here is certainly a lot better than the alternative.

British skipper Susie Goodall waves from the helm of her boat DHL Starlight as she leaves Les Sables d’Olonne Harbour on 1 July, 2018, at the start of the solo around-the-world Golden Globe Race in which sailors compete without high technology aides such as GPS or computers
British skipper Susie Goodall waves from the helm of her boat DHL Starlight as she leaves Les Sables d’Olonne Harbour on 1 July, 2018, at the start of the solo around-the-world Golden Globe Race in which sailors compete without high technology aides such as GPS or computers (Damien Meyer/AFP/Getty Images)

“And I wouldn’t be here today without the incredible support and seamanship shown by so many people over the past 10 days.

“Sailing away from DHL Starlight was heart-breaking, she stood up valiantly to all that the elements had to throw at her and looked after me until the last.”

Ms Goodall said she was fighting back tears when she stepped off the Tian Fu and saw her mother and brother after 157 days alone at sea.

She said her family had been her “rock” from day one when she signed up for the race and thanked them for all their support.

“I have put them through a lot, and I know I have a lot of making up to do,” she said.

“But I want to thank them from the bottom of my heart for believing in and supporting me in the many, many ways they have – thank you.”

Ms Goodall said she did not know what was next on her horizon, apart from spending time with her friends and family over Christmas, but that she still had “fire in her belly”.

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