Surrey 'terror attack' suspect Vincent Fuller shouted 'I'm going to kill Muslims' before stabbing teenager, court hears

Suspect allegedly attacked neighbour’s home and cars before stabbing teenager in Tesco car park

Lizzie Dearden
Home Affairs Correspondent
Saturday 23 March 2019 16:11 GMT
View of Tesco Extra near Stanwell where Police investigate stabbing in which man rampaged with baseball bat and knife while hurling racist abuse

A man accused of launching a terror attack in the wake of the New Zealand massacre has appeared in court. Vincent Fuller, 50, is charged with attempted murder, racially aggravated fear or provocation of violence, affray and possession of a bladed article and an offensive weapon in the Surrey town of Stanwell.

Prosecutors are treating the incident as terrorism because Fuller was allegedly heard shouting “white supremacy” and “I’m going to kill Muslims” leading up to the attack on the evening of 16 March – a day after 50 Muslims were massacred by a white supremacist in New Zealand.

Mr Fuller is accused of approaching a neighbour’s home armed with a baseball bat and hitting the door while calling the woman, of Indian descent, a “black c***”. Prosecutor James Cable told Westminster Magistrates’ Court that Mr Fuller then left and “walked around local roads indiscriminately attacking motor vehicles with a baseball bat”.

He is charged with shouting to one driver: “I’m going to f***king kill you, I’m going to f***king cut your throat you black bastard.”

Later in the same evening, Mr Fuller is accused of “arming himself with a knife” and walking to a nearby Tesco supermarket. Mr Fuller allegedly approached the 19-year-old driver of a parked BMW before reaching through the open window with the knife.

The Bulgarian man was stabbed in his left hand and received cut on the side of his neck, the court heard. Mr Fuller appeared in court flanked by two counterterror police officers, who were wearing balaclavas to conceal their identities.

He spoke to confirm his name, date of birth, address, and give his nationality as British. Mr Fuller was not required to enter pleas to the charges and his defence lawyer, Fadi Daoud, made no application for bail.

District Judge Michael Snow remanded the defendant, of Viola Avenue in Stanwell, in custody ahead of a hearing at the Old Bailey on Friday.

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