Police officer pulled women over for speeding then preyed on them for sex

Ben Murphy used police records to find women’s details after ticketing them for lesser offences 

Lizzie Dearden
Home Affairs Correspondent
Tuesday 16 July 2019 15:30 BST
Police officer pulled women over for speeding then preyed on them for sex

A police officer who stopped women for speeding and then used official records to target them for sex has been jailed.

Ben Murphy, a 36-year-old father, preyed on female drivers as a roads policing officer with Merseyside Police.

The force said he “stopped cars for speeding, then issued tickets for lesser offences and contacted female suspects afterwards”.

Liverpool Crown Court heard Murphy would give women smaller penalties, such as for not wearing a seatbelt even when they were, to gain their trust.

He researched victims on social media, before using police records to contact them.

Murphy sent one woman an image of his genitals and had sexual relationships with two more “vulnerable” women, the BBC reported.

He targeted at least eight others but was reported to an MP by a nurse who he texted in November 2017, triggering a police investigation.

Murphy, of Southport, admitted 10 counts of misconduct in public office and one of sending an inappropriate message.

Murphy was jailed for two years and four months on Monday, after being sacked by Merseyside Police.

He had resigned in May but was officially dismissed for violating standards of professional behaviour earlier this month.

Chief Superintendent Peter Costello said: “The majority of people who work for Merseyside Police do a really good job day in, day out, and joined the force to serve our communities with compassion and integrity.

“Sadly the actions of Ben Murphy have the propensity to seriously undermine the good work of the majority.

“The public quite rightly have high expectations of police officers, and Merseyside Police is committed to meeting those expectations by demanding high standards of professionalism, honesty and integrity.”

He pledged that the force would “always be robust” in dealing with unacceptable conduct by officers and staff.

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