Driver caught driving at 141mph on A-road

Motorist risked 'catastrophic' crash, say police

Jon Sharman
Monday 03 September 2018 15:33 BST
The A92 near Cowdenbeath, Fife
The A92 near Cowdenbeath, Fife (Google Street View)

A “reckless” driver has been caught travelling at 141mph on a busy A-road.

The driver behind the wheel of a red Volkswagen was clocked at more than twice the speed limit on the eastbound side of the A92 near Cowdenbeath, Fife, on Sunday morning.

Police said the motorist had risked a “catastrophic” crash.

Three other drivers on the dual carriageway were also seen speeding at 95mph, 98mph and 109mph within a one-hour period between 8.30am and 9.30am that day, the East Safety Camera Unit revealed.

All the drivers will be reported to the procurator fiscal.

Unit manager Andy Jones said: “This is totally unacceptable and reckless conduct – there is absolutely no excuse for ignoring the speed limit with such blatant disregard for themselves and anyone else in the area at the time.

“It is unacceptable that the motorist caught at 141mph on the A92 near Cowdenbeath thought their driving was either safe or in any way appropriate.

“They will be hearing from us very soon and they will be dealt with robustly, as will the other three drivers.”

He said the findings reinforced the value of having mobile safety camera units, as he issued a warning about the dangers of speeding.

“The faster you drive, the less time you have to react and the harder the impact is,” Mr Jones said.

“In the event of a collision, motorists who speed are more likely to cause death or serious injury not only to themselves, but to their passengers, other motorists or road users.

“Had any of these drivers been involved in a collision at these speeds there is absolutely no doubt the outcome would have been catastrophic.”

The minimum fine for speeding is £100 in the UK, plus three points on a driver’s licence.

But standard penalties can range up to £2,500 on motorways in cases where motorists go more than 21mph above the speed limit.

Factors that can raise fines still further include speeding with prior convictions, while on bail or in poor weather conditions, with penalties reaching 700 per cent of a driver’s weekly income.

Additional reporting by PA

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