Poland and South Korea defense ministers discuss security cooperation, support for Ukraine

The defense ministers of Poland and South Korea have met in Warsaw for talks on security and support for Ukraine in its fight against Russia's aggression, as well as on further cooperation in the armaments sector

Via AP news wire
Thursday 31 August 2023 17:47 BST

The defense ministers of Poland and South Korea held talks in Warsaw Thursday on security and support for Ukraine in its fight against Russia’s aggression, as well as on further cooperation in the armaments sector.

Poland is purchasing tens of billions of dollars worth of weapons and military equipment from South Korea as it upgrades its defense potential with concern rising because of the war in neighboring Ukraine.

The new equipment is also replacing that which Poland has given to Ukraine to help it defend itself against the Russian invasion.

Poland’s Defense Minister Mariusz Blaszczak met with his Korean counterpart Lee Jong-Sup at the Defense Ministry.

The military equipment Poland bought from South Korea includes K2 tanks, Thunder K9 howitzers, training and combat FA-50 fighter jets and K239 Chunmoo rocket artillery systems.

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