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Heidi Klum 'trumps' Donald Trump by mocking the politician’s sexist remarks in new video

The model was not content with having her appearance knocked by Trump

Chris Mandle
Tuesday 18 August 2015 20:20 BST
Heidi Klum
Heidi Klum (Getty)

Donald Trump’s current plot to take over America has been beset by a few snags - namely that he keeps making awful comments about women in the media and then seems surprised when people are offended by them.

In his book Trump 101: The Way To Success, he compared attractive women to the pleasing aesthetics of a particularly nice building, while he regularly made creepy remarks to female contestants on The Apprentice, which he presented in the US.

But this week, he got more than he bargained for when he took aim at supermodel Heidi Klum, who, despite being a model and a woman who is internationally renowned for making a lot of money by being a model, sadly fell short of Trump’s high standards.

In a lengthly profile in the New York Times, Trump says both his wife and daughter are encouraging him to not act like a massive mysoginist, but still manages to mourn the fact that in his opinion, Klum’s best days are behind her.

“Sadly,” he says, “She’s no longer a 10.”

Klum wasted no time doling out a response, posting a video to Instagram where she stood adorned with a number 10 on her chest.

Suddenly, a greying man in a Donald Trump mask ran past her and ripped it off, revealing a 9.9 underneath.

But Klum just gives a shrug, while the Trump character stands behind her in the background like a haunted piece of furniture.

She then brings up the hashtag #HeidiTrumpsTrump.

Then she chucks a few more in there for good measure, including #IHadAGoodRun, #NoLongerA10, #Donaldtrump and #BeautyIsInTheEyeOfTheBeheld.


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