Chelsea Handler weighs in on Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie divorce by branding actress a 'lunatic'

The comedian and good friend of Jennifer Aniston doesn't hold back 

Olivia Blair
Friday 23 September 2016 12:52 BST
Chelsea Handler brands Angelina Jolie a 'lunatic'

Chelsea Handler has weighed in on the divorce of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie by branding the actress a “f***ing lunatic”.

On Tuesday, representatives for Jolie confirmed she had filed for divorce from Pitt after a two-year marriage, eleven-year relationship and six children together.

One theory about what may have caused the split came from Jennifer Aniston’s good friend Handler. Addressing the audience on her Netflix show, the 41-year-old honed in on the allegations their divorce was in part sparked by Pitt drinking and smoking cannabis. A source familiar with the 51-year-old actor and his family previously told the Independent these claims were “baseless”.

That didn’t stop Handler, who said: “I wonder why he [Pitt] needed to self-medicate. Maybe because he could have been spending the last 12 years at Lake Como hanging out with George Clooney and Matt Damon instead of being stuck in a house with 85 kids speaking 15 different languages.

“Oh yeah, because he married a f***ing lunatic, that’s why. But we should all respect their privacy during this very difficult time so this will be the last time I speak of this… on TV. You can follow me on Twitter.”

The outburst is not the first time the comedian has let rip at Jolie. In 2011, she attracted huge attention after branding the actress a “homewrecker” during a stand-up show.

In response to the controversy, Handler blamed the media for blowing it out of proportion and said she would never speak on behalf of Aniston.

“I’ve been making fun of Angelina Jolie since she made out with her brother,” Handler said referring to Jolie kissing her brother James Haven on the lips at the 2000 Academy Awards.

Jolie has not responded to her comments.

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