Donald Trump's driving licence says he is shorter than the President-elect claims

It's only the difference of an inch but.....

Andrew Buncombe
Friday 23 December 2016 16:40 GMT
Mr Trump is known to be very sensitive about certain issues
Mr Trump is known to be very sensitive about certain issues (AP)

Donald Trump is notoriously prickly - especially over matters he feels question his masculinity. During the election campaign, one of the many political precedents he broke, was to brag about the size of his manhood.

So political observers were keenly watching how Mr Trump would react, after a report suggested the President-elect may only be six foot two inches tall, and not six foot three inches, as he has claimed.

The report by Politico was based on a copy it obtained of Mr Trump’s New York driving licence.

Mr Trump's licence was obtained by a record's request
Mr Trump's licence was obtained by a record's request

“It may just be an inch, but size apparently matters to Trump,” the website wrote.

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“A letter that the businessman candidate displayed this summer from his longtime gastroenterologist - while appearing on the Dr Oz Show - stated he was 6-foot-3, though media reports were quick to point out discrepancies.”

It referred to other reports that claimed Mr Trump had added an inch to his height to avoid being classified as “obese” on the Body Mass Index.

Mr Trump’s office did not immediately respond to inquiries on Friday.

The licence was released to Politico by the Virginia Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control through an records request related to the Virginia winery that’s owned by Mr Trump, and run by his son Eric.

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