Donald Trump: New mobile app will alert investors to the President-elect's market-moving tweets

Since his election victory the President-elect has sent shares in companies such as Boeing, Lockheed Martin, Toyota and Pfizer reeling into the red

Zlata Rodionova
Friday 13 January 2017 16:19 GMT
Picture: (Getty)

Every time President-elect Donald Trump tweets, the markets listen.

Since his election victory he has sent shares in companies such as Boeing, Lockheed Martin, Toyota and Pfizer reeling into the red, shaving off billions of dollars from their market value in minutes with just 140 characters or fewer.

While investors can’t do much to predict the President-elect’s next move, one tech company has just launched a special feature on an app that will send users alerts each time Mr Trump tweets about a publically listed company.

Trigger, a start-up with staff in San Francisco and London, has launched a feature on its trading app which sends so-called “Trump triggers” alerting traders to the President-elect’s latest comments, based on which they can then trade.

“These triggers can help you capture moves or manage your holdings based on the market’s reaction to the future president’s remarks,” the company says on its website.


Trigger said it had rolled out the new feature because of the incoming president’s potential to “eradicate billions of dollars in market cap from large companies.”

Earlier in January, Toyota became the latest company to face Mr Trump’s wrath.

Shares in the Japanese automaker shares plummeted within minutes of a negative tweet from the former Apprentice host, causing the company to lose around $1.2 billion in value.

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