The pound’s slide won’t bail out Britain’s economy as Brexiteers claim

Inside Business: Chancellor Philip Hammond says he’s terrified – and we should be too

James Moore
Chief Business Commentator
Wednesday 17 July 2019 17:04 BST
The man in No 11 is not given to hyperbole, so his recent pronouncement should be cause for serious concern
The man in No 11 is not given to hyperbole, so his recent pronouncement should be cause for serious concern (PA)

The misinformation, tortuous arguments and out-and-out lies spun by Brexiteers get more and more twisted by the day.

The latest concern the pound, which has spent two days on the ropes thanks to Boris Johnson’s bellicose no-deal Brexit comments, and is now in the must-be-sold-now-or-it’ll-go-off ultra-cheap part of Lidl.

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