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Mother claims shampoo left two-year-old daughter with chemical burns

Doctors say it could take weeks to heal

Sarah Young
Monday 16 October 2017 09:29 BST
Kallee was left with painful chemical burns on her face and neck
Kallee was left with painful chemical burns on her face and neck

A mother is warning other parents after claiming that a popular shampoo left her daughter with painful chemical burns on her face and neck.

Posting images of two-year-old Kaylee covered in red blotches and blisters on Facebook, Jaime Wellings, from Newcastle in Australia’s South Wales wrote: “Thought I'd let my friends and family know that the Pink Sunsilk Shampoo has chemically burnt Kaylee's head, neck, and face badly.”

Wellings claims that the burns were caused by a new formula of Sunsilk shampoo, a brand that she has been using for years and that doctors say it could take weeks to heal.

“She's now on special medicated creams, bath wash and shampoo until it heals which could take a couple of weeks,” she added.

”This shampoo is dangerous.“

Now, the furious mother-of-four is demanding that Sunsilk take action.

“It was all lifted off her face, all red and bumpy. I was absolutely heartbroken at the fact that a shampoo could possibly do that,” Wellings told Seven News.

“She is very blistered and some of it has dried up, causing her a lot of discomfort as it's very itchy.

“I think they should take it off the shelf because the new formula is obviously not good.”

Having contacted the company immediately, Wellings said she was questioned by Sunsilk as to whether her daughter was left unsupervised while in the bath, which she was not.

She adds that while the shampoo is not specifically targeted at children, nowhere on the bottle does it say they should not use it.

As a result, Sunsilk have said that they will test the shampoo, but that they’re not aware of any other complaints about the product.

The Independent has contacted Sunsilk for comment.

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