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Sex robots could make men obsolete, suggests expert

‘I think it’s the men who should be worried’

Olivia Petter
Friday 05 January 2018 16:15 GMT
Picture: (AFP/Getty / Robyn Beck)

A Harvard University professor has claimed that sex robots might make men, not women, obsolete.

Dr Cathy O’Neil believes women could soon be “spoiled by dashing menbots”, leading them to lose interest in real men entirely.

While advances in artificial intelligences and robots have thus far primarily raised concerns for women, she suggests it could be the other way around.

Writing for Bloomberg, the mathematician suggests that men could be “lost to the dating pool altogether” thanks to sex robots.

She added that it could even impact the way men and women cohabit, prompting couples to live apart from one another.

If the bots can satisfy sexual needs, O’Neill suggests that it may give rise to a better and stronger community.

The current market for sex robots is dominated by men, however, if O’Neill’s predictions are right, that could all change.

A recent YouGov survey revealed that one in four men (24 per cent) would consider having sex with a robot compared to just one in 10 women (nine per cent).

The bots have been a cause of concern to female porn stars, who claim that they are putting them out of work.

“Sex robots are going to be a game changer,” porn star Ela Darling told the Daily Star Online.

“Right now we're at the stage where sex robots are being invented and the next step will be everybody has a sex robot.”

However, O’Neill insists that this might not be such a bad thing.

“We’ll come together, online or in person, and be more respectful, more relaxed, less edgy,” she said.

“It’s worth a try. So bring on the sex robots.”

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