Lili Reinhart: Riverdale star opens up about struggle with adult acne

‘I'm not sure if or when I'll ever be able to accept my skin as it is’

Olivia Petter
Wednesday 23 May 2018 11:58 BST
(Getty Images)

Lili Reinhart has spoken out about her battle with cystic acne in a candid series of Instagram story uploads.

The Riverdale star explained how she’d been struggling with the condition since the age of 12 and revealed how it has led her to develop “major self-esteem issues”, describing it as her “biggest insecurity”.

The 21-year-old recalled how she struggled on a recent photo shoot which involved more than 20 people, writing that “there was nowhere to hide”.

“All I could think about when I was in front of the camera were the pimples on my forehead,” she said of the 11-hour shoot.

Reinhart added that she typically seeks help from her mother when she has low self-esteem moments as a result of her skin condition.

(Instagram/Lili Reinhart
(Instagram/Lili Reinhart (Instagram/Lili Reinhart)

"I always text my mom when I have a bad breakout to tell her how ugly I feel, and these breakouts shatter my confidence every time they appear," she wrote.

"I'm not sure if or when I'll ever be able to accept my skin as it is. It's problematic. It scars easily. It's painful. But I'm hoping that someday I can feel beautiful even if I'm having a breakout. And that I won't feel obsessive or paranoid."

(Instagram/Lili Reinhart
(Instagram/Lili Reinhart (Instagram/Lili Reinhart)

The American actress went on to explain why she is eager to discuss her struggles publicly, hoping that doing so will normalise skin conditions and enable people to feel secure no matter how skin appears.

My breakouts don't define me," she continued.

"To anyone out there who feels embarrassed or ashamed by breakouts... I feel you. We have each other so let's get through this acne experience together."

(Instagram/Lili Reinhart
(Instagram/Lili Reinhart (Instagram/Lili Reinhart)

Cystic acne is a severe form of the common skin condition which can be caused by hormonal changes during puberty.

It can manifest on other areas of skin aside from the face - such as the back - resulting in deep blemishes formed underneath the skin’s surface that don’t usually come to a head like regular spots, making them harder to get rid of.

Cystic spots can be incredibly painful and in some cases may lead to scarring.

Reinhart concluded her series of posts by calling on fans to share their own acne stories under the hashtag #breakoutbuddy and hundreds have already responded.

"I've been struggling with cystic acne for about three years now. Some days I don't want to leave the house I feel so ugly,” began one person.

"But then again, every time I watch people like @lilireinhart who are confident in their skin, I become a little more confident in mine."

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