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Woman reveals ‘glitch in the simulation’ after showing surveillance footage of herself cutting a lemon at work

‘This is the best evidence I have ever seen of a glitch’

Meredith Clark
New York
Monday 13 June 2022 19:58 BST
(TikTok / @kahootdaddy777)
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A woman has gone viral online after sharing a video of herself cutting a lemon at work, only to realise the lemon was still intact upon second glance. Now, the internet is calling the video the “best evidence” to prove there’s a glitch in the simulation.

Jade Gonzalez shared the surveillance footage of the incident to TikTok, where it has since gained more than three million views. Gonzalez – who goes by the username @kahootdaddy777 on the app – showed herself slicing lemons while working at her family’s Mexican restaurant when the supposed “glitch” occurred.

“The craziest s*** happened to me earlier,” she began the TikTok. “There was a glitch in the system. I’m going to show you guys a video, okay?”

In the surveillance video, Gonzalez is seen grabbing a lemon and cutting it in half. She cuts one piece of the lemon in half once more, and walks away to grab a small bag. When she returns, she picks up the lemon only to find that it was no longer cut in half.

“I’m like, ‘Why is it not cut in half?’ In my face, I’m like, ‘What the f***?’” Gonzalez said, adding that she goes on re-cut the lemon.

“I’m freaking out because the lemon was not cut in half anymore. It was literally intact,” she said. “You can see me in the video cut the lemon in half. There was a glitch. This has never happened to me and I don’t know how to act. I’m freaking out.”

Gonzalez captioned the TikTok, “SOMEONE PLEASE EXPLAIN,” and many users were quick to offer their wild explanations for the mysterious lemon video.

“Yooo! This is the best evidence I have ever seen of a glitch,” one TikToker commented.

“I literally saw the lemon put itself back together,” another person said.

“You can even see how the lemon closed back up,” a third person wrote.

One person said: “If only I had this type of proof, EVERY SINGLE TIME something like this happens to me! People stay thinkin I’m crazy!”

However, not every viewer was convinced Gonzalez had captured a glitch in the simulation. Some people believed that she simply did not slice the lemon all the way.

“You just didn’t cut it all the way through, so when you ‘inspected’ it, it looked whole on the other side," explained one user. “Notice how easily you ‘cut’ it the 2nd time”.

“Are you 10 per cent sure the lemon was still whole? Sometimes they get stuck together after cutting,” another person said. “I can tell that you didn’t slice it all the way through and the slice was very thin to the point where it wasn’t noticeable.”

In order to challenge the non-believers, Gonzalez posted a follow-up video where she assured viewers that she did in fact slice the lemon all the way through, and did a reenactment to prove it.

“I did cut the lemon all the way through, it’s just that the knife is really sharp so that it goes through pretty fast. I can show you guys,” she said in a following TikTok. She went back into the restaurant kitchen where she filmed herself grabbing another lemon and cutting it in half.

“This is straight from my security cam. This is me right now. I’m going to show you guys how I cut it,” she said as she played the surveillance footage of herself cutting the lemon a second time.

“And I know y’all are going to be like, ‘The first time you cut it, it was super fast so you probably cut it on the side’ or whatever,” she added. “No, sis. Right there, in the first video, I was in a routine. I was moving quick.”

"I don’t care if you believe me or not,” Gonzalez concluded. “It was just something that happened to me. I thought it was crazy and wanted to share it."

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