Tired of the same old sandwiches? Try these four recipes to make something special

Research carried out by Tesco has shown that we’re a nation of sandwich lovers, and that’s been even more true in the last year. So, this National Sandwich Week, why not try something new in your bread and butter? Writes Sean Russell

Friday 21 May 2021 15:06 BST
Sarnies don’t have to be strictly savoury affairs – Prosciutto, nectarine and thyme grilled cheese sandwich
Sarnies don’t have to be strictly savoury affairs – Prosciutto, nectarine and thyme grilled cheese sandwich (Tesco)

In the last year many of us have turned to the humble sandwich for comfort. It has been a reliable cornerstone in what has been a most unpredictable time, with one in ten of us saying that, while stuck at home, we’ve eaten more sandwiches over the last 12 months than ever before.

But it’s not just in a lockdown that the UK loves a sarnie. A survey carried out by Tesco has revealed that 75 per cent of people eat sandwiches regularly, with 32 per cent going so far as to say they just plain “love” sandwiches.

Being stuck inside has pushed us to get inventive, as well, faced with the same old sandwich day in, day out, a third of us have explored unusual flavour combinations while others have taken to dipping their sandwiches in sauces.

Well, to mark the end of National Sandwich Week, Tesco have provided the Independent with four recipes to pull your sandwiches out of the doldrums and into something to get even more excited about. And since we’re all making sandwiches anyway, we might as well make them special.

“The sandwich is quite literally the bread and butter of our nation – it can’t be beaten!” Says Stephanie Bacon, Food to Go product development manager, and go-to “sandwich expert” at Tesco. “The combinations are endless, so it’s great to see so many people experimenting and embracing them again – whether that’s making their own or grabbing one to go.

“As we see people gradually return to workplaces, we expect to see a rise in on the go sandwiches, and Tesco will be introducing new sandwiches including Tesco cheddar and apple slaw sandwich, The City Kitchen Mexican Inspired BBQ pibil pork Sandwich and more. We’re definitely expecting to see more unusual flavours increase in popularity!”

Prosciutto, nectarine and thyme grilled cheese sandwich

“Sarnies don’t have to be strictly savoury affairs. Here we pair thin slices of ripe nectarine with salty prosciutto and thyme grilled Cheddar and Gruyère cheese for a killer combination. You don’t have to use Cheddar and Gruyère, feel free to use any of your favourite cheeses.”


1 nectarine, halved and stoned

Flavourless oil, for greasing

25g salted butter, softened

8 thick slices sourdough bread or white bloomer

4 slices prosciutto

150g (5 1/4oz) mature Cheddar, grated

120g (4 1/4oz) Gruyère cheese, grated

8 thyme sprigs, leaves picked and stalks discarded


1. Heat a flat griddle pan or heavy frying pan over a medium-low heat.

2. Cut the nectarine into thin slices, about ½ cm thick. Brush with a little oil and grill the nectarines for 2-3 mins, until charred but not burnt. Set aside.

3. Butter both sides of the sliced bread. Lay the prosciutto on top of half the slices, followed by the nectarine slices, then divide the grated cheese between them. Top with the thyme leaves and sandwich with the remaining slices. Press down firmly to compact.

4. Arrange as many sandwiches as will fit onto your pan, and fry for 3-4 mins each side, until crispy and golden and the cheese has melted.

Pineapple, chilli and cheese toasties

Upgrade your lunchtime with an oozy cheese toastie recipe
Upgrade your lunchtime with an oozy cheese toastie recipe (Tesco)

“Cheese and pineapple is a classic retro combination. Upgrade your lunchtime with an oozy cheese toastie recipe with a juicy pineapple and chilli twist. Ready in just 10 mins, indulgent sarnies don’t come better than this.”


70g tinned pineapple chunks (drained weight)

100g Cathedral City Mature Cheddar, grated

10g fresh coriander leaves, chopped


4 slices wholemeal bread

4 tsp Tesco Finest chilli relish


1. Dice the pineapple chunks, then mix in a bowl with the cheese and coriander leaves. Butter 1 side of each of the slices of bread, then turn over so the buttered sides are facing down. Divide the cheese mixture between 2 slices. Spread the chilli relish over the remaining 2 slices and sandwich on top, buttered-side up.

2. Transfer to a sandwich toaster or hot frying pan and cook (turning and pressing down with a fish slice if using a pan) until golden and melted.

Green goddess sandwich

This gloriously green sarnie is sure to rouse some serious lunch envy
This gloriously green sarnie is sure to rouse some serious lunch envy (Tesco)

“This gloriously green sarnie is sure to rouse some serious lunch envy. Refreshing cucumber, salad cress, creamy avocado, peppery rocket and fragrant basil are layered up between slices of malted grain bread in this heaven-sent sandwich. You can also take things to the next level by spreading the slices of bread with some rich blue cheese ahead of assembling.”


8 thick slices malted grain loaf

1 cucumber

2 salad cress punnets, snipped

2 avocados, sliced

1 lemon, juiced

1 tbsp extra-virgin olive oil

40g rocket leaves

Handful basil leaves, torn

100g soft blue cheese, such as Castello Blue (optional)


1. Arrange 4 of the slices of bread on a chopping board. Trim the ends of the cucumber, cut in half then slice each half lengthways into 4 thick slices. Place 2 slices of cucumber on 4 of the pieces of bread and season with a little pepper. Divide the snipped cress between the slices of bread, arranging on top of the cucumber. Top with the slices of avocado and squeeze over a little lemon juice.

2. Mix the remaining lemon juice with the olive oil and a little seasoning. Mix the rocket and basil leaves in a bowl and dress with the lemon and oil mixture. Divide this between the sandwiches on top of the avocado.

3. Spread the remaining 4 slices of bread with the blue cheese, if using, then sandwich together before tucking in.

Ciabatta bites

Crisp on the outside, with a smoky, gooey filling of mozzarella sticks and colourful chargrilled veg
Crisp on the outside, with a smoky, gooey filling of mozzarella sticks and colourful chargrilled veg (Tesco)

“A few clever freezer shortcuts make these Mediterranean-inspired mini sandwiches a super-simple snack. Crisp on the outside, with a smoky, gooey filling of mozzarella sticks and colourful chargrilled veg.”


400g frozen Mediterranean chargrilled vegetables

180g pack frozen mozzarella sticks

2 ciabatta rolls

Fresh basil, to serve (optional)


1. Preheat the oven to gas 6, 200°C, fan 180°C. Put the vegetables in a large roasting tin and cook for 15 mins.

2. Shake the vegetables in the tin, then add the mozzarella sticks. Cook for 10 mins more, adding the ciabatta rolls for the last 2 mins to warm through.

3. Split the rolls and add the vegetables, mozzarella sticks and basil, if using. Squash down gently with your hand, then cut each roll into 4 squares and secure with a cocktail stick (remove before eating).

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