Food blogger makes Cheeto, macaroni and pulled pork pizza that's 700 calories a slice

Would you take a bite?

Kashmira Gander
Tuesday 04 October 2016 14:35 BST

Forget everything you think you know about a balanced diet or so-called clean eating, and consider the idea of scoffing a pizza loaded with pulled pork, mac n' cheese, sprinkled with more cheese and completed with a Cheeto dust crust.

That’s exactly what food - and we're using that term lightly - blogger JP Lambiase has created on his Hellthyjunkfood YouTube channel.

The combination of beige food upon beige food, encircled with a neon crisp dust, means each slice packs around 700 calories.

“Mac N' Cheese Pizza has always been something we've wanted to do, but we added some additional 'Hellthy' ingredients to really elevate this dish to the culinary level of Master Junk Food,” wrote Lambiase on YouTube.

Previous Hellthyjunkfood videos have featured a sandwich with 100 slices of bacon, multi-coloured “galaxy” mac n’ cheese - which was coloured black, blue, purple and pink - and a rainbow onion ring volcano, where the slices are dyed, fried and set alight.

More than 300,000 people are subscribed to Lambiase's YouTube channel, which he has been running for three years.

He started to cook indulgent food after he attempted to adopt a strict eating regime, but found that depriving himself of snacks caused him to binge-eat.

Acknowledging that his dishes might not be the healthiest, he wrote on his website: "What I realised was most important about dieting and being healthy is that balance is just important if not more than sticking to a stringent diet. So I decided to recreate all the food I love with these recipes.

"Now these recipes aren't necessarily healthy and aren't meant to be a new way of life; they are to calm the cravings during a cheat day or a stressful day, etc.Think of it as non-alcoholic beer.

"These recipes are here at your disposal, like em, hate em, make em, mock em."

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