Inspired by the Olympics? Here’s two healthy recipes fit for a gold medallist

Loaded with all the right nutrients, these recipes are perfect post-workouts meals, says Keely Doll

Wednesday 04 August 2021 11:35 BST
Salmon and deep greens gnocchi: ideal for a quick post training meal
Salmon and deep greens gnocchi: ideal for a quick post training meal (Wren Kitchens)

With the Olympics well underway in Tokyo, you might find yourself inspired to pick up a new sport or get started on a healthy diet. In fact, in the past 12 months, Britons have already shown signs of becoming more conscious of their health, with searches for “healthy meal planner” up 200 per cent and “benefits of a healthy diet” up 100 per cent.

Inspired by athlete’s diets, Wren Kitchens has collaborated with nutritionist consultant Jenna Hope to create two healthy, tasty meals packed with all the right nutrients needed for optimum athletic performance and recovery.

Whether you’re looking for some inspiration for a post-workout bite or simply need some more healthy meal ideas, then look no further than these nutritious recipes fit for an Olympic gold medallist.

Quinoa and black bean burrito recipe

Quick and easy for right after a tough workout
Quick and easy for right after a tough workout (Wren Kitchens)

This recipe is the perfect post workout meal as it’s quick to make but rich in plant-based protein to help support muscle recovery. Quinoa is considered a complete protein, meaning it contains all nine essential amino acids. Amino acids are the building blocks of protein, however the essential ones we need cannot be synthesised in the body and must be consumed through the diet.

The black beans, quinoa and wholemeal wrap provides a source of carbohydrates to help replenish used glycogen stores. Black beans are also rich in magnesium, which is important in supporting recovery through muscle and nerve relaxation.

Lastly, the spices and tomatoes provide antioxidants which help to remove free radicals produced naturally through exercise. High levels of free radicals can contribute to cell damage and therefore consume antioxidant rich foods such as spices and tomatoes is an important component of training recovery.

Makes:2 servings


For the quinoa:

60g red and white quinoa (or, if you can’t find a mix, white quinoa)

Pinch of salt and pepper

Juice of half a lime

For the black beans:

1 tsp of olive oil

1 tsp minced garlic

1 tsp smoked paprika

1 tsp cumin

1 tsp paprika

2 tbsp tomato puree

400g can chopped tomatoes

400g can black beans

Generous pinch of salt and pepper

For the tomato salsa:

1 white onion

2 large tomatoes

Handful of coriander

Juice of half a lime

Pinch of chilli flakes (optional)

Pinch of salt and pepper

To serve:

2 wholemeal wraps

2 tbsp Greek yoghurt or dairy free alternative

1 handful of fresh spinach


1. Cook the quinoa as per the cooking instructions.

2. While the quinoa is cooking, heat the olive oil in a pan. Once heated, stir in the garlic, smoked paprika, cumin, paprika, tomato puree and chopped tomatoes and leave to cook over a low heat for 2-3 minutes.

3. Next, stir in the black beans and cook for a further 15-20 minutes on a medium heat.

4. Once the quinoa is cooked stir through the salt, pepper and lime juice.

5. Next, chop the onion and tomatoes into chunks, add the coriander, lime juice, chilli flakes (if you’re using them), salt and pepper. Stir well.

6. Finally serve up by laying the spinach, quinoa and bean mix into a wholemeal wrap, then add the salsa and the Greek yoghurt or dairy free alternative and wrap up well! Enjoy!

Salmon and deep greens gnocchi

A great source of vitimins, carbs, and proteins to help regain energy
A great source of vitimins, carbs, and proteins to help regain energy (Wren Kitchens)

This recipe is ideal for a quick post training meal and is full of B vitamins needed for supporting energy production.

Gnocchi is made of potatoes, which provide a great source of carbohydrates to help replenish lost glycogen, and the salmon is a source of protein and omega-3. Protein is important for muscle repair and recovery while the omega-3 has anti-inflammatory properties, which can help reduce inflammation that can occur through exercise.

The peas (another source of protein) and the spinach contain magnesium and iron which are crucial for transporting oxygen around the body, a vital necessity for those engaging in aerobic exercise. Finally, the cream cheese also provides a source of calcium to help support bone health which is essential if you’re exercising regularly.

Makes: 2 servings


2 fillets of salmon

Juice of ½ lemon

Handful of fresh dill

300g of fresh gnocchi

60g reduced fat cream cheese

100g peas

100g spinach

Generous pinch of salt and pepper


1. Preheat the oven to 180C.

2. Place the salmon on a lined tray. Add the salt, pepper and lemon juice, finely chop the fresh dill and then cover over into a parcel. Cook in the oven for 15 minutes.

3. Heat a pan of boiling water and boil the gnocchi for 2-3 minutes.

4. Drain the gnocchi and return to the pot with the peas, spinach and reduced fat cream cheese. Place over a low to medium heat and stir until the spinach and peas are cooked. You may wish to add a touch more salt, pepper or lemon at this stage.

5. Once the salmon is cooked, remove the skin and flake into the gnocchi. Serve immediately and enjoy!

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