The Gay Beards: Whiskers as you've never seen them before

The duo combines their creativity with their perfectly-groomed facial hair to shoot some artistic portraits

Linda Sharkey
Friday 24 July 2015 11:22 BST

If you thought flower beards and facial baubles were amazing, then you'll love this. Hirsute artists Brian DeLaurenti and Jonathan Dahl have taken the beard frenzy to the next level by adorning their face hair with flowers, butterflies, glitter, and even food –all coordinated with their carefully-styled outfits.

The duo from Portland, Oregon thought “the world needs more love and laughter” and that by combining their faces with some artistic creativity would bring just that.


The two creative minds, both 25, share pictures of their dolled up face fuzz with their 35,000 Instagram followers. They carefully create a beard for every occasion, from their own birthdays, to 4th of July, but we'd say that their gardening skills are the highlight with a bunch of blossoming beard photos in their feed. However, we do love the pink glitter beards.


Whether they look like carrying a bouquet attached to their chin, or sporting some sort of feathered parrot costume, one thing is guaranteed, these guys won’t go anywhere unnoticed.


The wacky trend of flower beards began last year with hipsters across America weaving foliage into their beards, adorning their faces with blossoms for the sole purpose of artistic portraits. Then, baubles attached to the facial hair as to a Christmas tree followed.

Also, there's an annual World Beard and Moustache Championships that sees everything, from braids to gravity-defying moustaches.

Hipsters or not, beards have never been so popular, with 52% of British men sporting some sort of facial hair, and this trend takes commitment, as a survery revealed it takes 67 whole days to grow “the perfect beard”.


Yeah, thanks to this grooming obsession, men have become creative with their facial hair, and the results have had some seriously good up-sides, just like The Gay Beards' creations, which are so great we think many ladies almost wouldn't mind them. In portraits, however, these beards are a wonder to behold.

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