Why I can’t wait for the return of Frasier

I just hope it comes back as sharp as ever – we could all do with a laugh, says Katy Brand

Saturday 27 February 2021 00:09 GMT
Kelsey Grammer as the comical psychotherapist
Kelsey Grammer as the comical psychotherapist (Getty)

Good news on the potential return of Frasier, as Kelsey Grammer hinted that it could be coming back.

Will it hold on to its much-coveted “9am slot” on Channel 4? That is surely the only place in the schedule a sophisticated and beautifully crafted piece of comedy could ever want to be, where it has appeared as re-runs on UK TV for the last three hundred years. Or will it finally make it to prime time?

I am joking, of course because Frasier has always been a show so brilliant it can withstand any time slot. It is a commissioning marvel too – as a writer of comedy, and a veteran pitcher of new ideas, I can only stand back and admire the balls to head into a meeting with this: “Two wealthy white elitist snobby brothers are both highly successful psychotherapists who love classical music, art, opera and discussing philosophy, but – here’s the kicker – one is from the Jungian school and the other favours a Freudian thesis, so the inherent tension is always hilarious.” I mean, hats off to all of them.

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