Travel questions

What are the best destinations for post-Christmas fun in the sun?

Simon Calder answers your questions on holidays after the festive season, the situation in Bolivia and the Qantas nonstop flight to Sydney

Monday 18 November 2019 12:47 GMT
Spectacular Cagliari, capital of Sardinia, is built on a hilltop
Spectacular Cagliari, capital of Sardinia, is built on a hilltop (Getty)

Q You’ve recommended some great holiday destinations to me in the past and I’m short on ideas. Looking to go away for some sun between Christmas and new year with my girlfriend. We don’t mind being active but don’t have a huge budget.

Dan F

A Reliable sun on a low budget is always going to be a tough call during the festive season. But when Christmas Day and New Year’s Day fall in the middle of the week, as they do this winter, then starting on Boxing Day and ending on 31 December or 1 January is a sweet spot for travel. Fares are generally reasonable, with a spike over the weekend in the middle (Friday 27-Sunday 29 December) largely due to the packages that begin/end on these days.

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