Could women hold the key to the 2020 election?

Working class women voted for Mr Trump in large numbers in the 2016 election, but recent surveys show their support for him is crumbling

Maya Oppenheim
Women's Correspondent
Thursday 27 August 2020 17:19 BST
Morley Winograd told The Independent the increase in women moving away from Mr Trump was 'very visible among suburban and college-educated women' in the midterms back in 2018 and is continuing to happen
Morley Winograd told The Independent the increase in women moving away from Mr Trump was 'very visible among suburban and college-educated women' in the midterms back in 2018 and is continuing to happen (AP)

Donald Trump’s rapidly waning support among women throughout the course of his presidency could prove decisive when voters go to the polls in November.

Working class women voted for Mr Trump in large numbers in the 2016 election, but recent surveys show their support for the incumbent president – who has a record of making demeaning comments about women – is crumbling due to his antagonistic presidential approach and response to the coronavirus emergency.

A recent ABC/Washington Post poll found support for Mr Trump is 71 per cent among men who did not go to university – the same proportion as it was four years ago – but his backing among women who did not go to university has plummeted by 11 percentage points, dropping from 61 per cent to 50 per cent.

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