The six missed opportunities before the Manchester Arena bombing

MI5 received intelligence on Salman Abedi twice in the months before the bombing, but failed to detect plot

Lizzie Dearden
Home Affairs Editor
Friday 03 March 2023 19:28 GMT
The attack in May 2017 killed 22 people
The attack in May 2017 killed 22 people (PA)

A three-year inquiry into the Manchester Arena attack has uncovered a series of opportunities that were missed by the security services.

Inquiry chair Sir John Saunders said MI5 had missed a “significant” chance to stop the May 2017 bombing, which left 22 victims dead, through its flawed handling of intelligence on the bomber.

“It is impossible to say whether any different or additional action taken by the authorities could have prevented the attack,” he said. “It might have done; it might not have done.”

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