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Bereaved brothers create father-son memory book to help others cope with loss

Red Letter Days has partnered with Child Bereavement UK to turn Father’s Day present-giving on its head

Wednesday 12 June 2019 14:00 BST

Ahead of Father’s Day, Red Letter Days has partnered with Child Bereavement UK to turn Father’s Day present-giving on its head by launching a very special gift for two young brothers dealing with the loss of their dad.

The book, called Magical Memories of Dad, is co-authored by Lewis, 11, and 13-year-old Fraser who lost their dad seven years ago. The book includes beautiful illustrations of their favourite memories with their father, crafted specially for them by illustrator Emma Block, who listened to the boys reminiscing about precious moments spent with their Dad, and made those memories permanent in the form of a book.

The book focuses on the bond between the two children and their father, highlighting some of their most treasured memories including family holidays in Lapland, playing football in the garden and reading their favourite stories at bedtime.

Lewis and Fraser are amongst thousands of children who lose their father each year and need the support that Child Bereavement UK offer. Last year the charity provided face-to-face support for more than 3,000 children, young people and adults.

Father’s Day can be a really tough time of year for grieving children, and so this year Red Letter Days wants to raise awareness around this difficult time and help support the amazing work that Child Bereavement UK offers to help these children rebuild their lives.

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