Do you know the difference between tax evasion and tax avoidance? Take our quiz

Oliver Wright
Wednesday 13 April 2016 07:55 BST

Most of us have little choice about how we pay our tax. It simply comes out of our pay packets.

We don’t have a choice to evade or avoid tax even if we wanted to. Or do we?

In the past week, the fallout from the Panama Papers leak has seen Prime Minister David Cameron publish details of his tax returns following criticism he sold shares worth £30,000 in his father's offshore investment fund shortly before being elected Prime Minister in 2010. There is nothing to suggest Mr Cameron has done anything illegal,

The Panama Papers leak has, though thrust the complex world of tax into the spotlight.

Take our quiz to see if you know the difference between illegal tax evasion or legal tax avoidance. And whether you’ve even broken the law yourself.

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