Saturday Night Live: Melissa McCarthy returns as an angrier Sean Spicer

'The problem is all these terror instances that you’re not reporting on'

Jack Shepherd
Sunday 12 February 2017 10:07 GMT
Saturday Night Live: Melissa McCarthy returns as an angrier Sean Spicer

Last week, Melissa McCarthy’s surprise appearance on Saturday Night Live set the Internet on fire, her impression of Sean Spicer shared around the world, even eliciting a response from the White House Press Secretary, who said McCarthy "could dial back" a bit.

To open regular Donald Trump impersonator Alec Baldwin’s seventeenth tenure as SNL host, McCarthy returned as Spicer, deciding to crank things up again.

“I’m not going to do that because that was the old Spicey,” McCarthy’s Spicer said, referring to getting angry. “This is the new Spicey.”

The character proceeded to explain how he has cut dow to chewing “one and only” one piece of gum a day: it just happens to be the size of a large chocolate bar.

‘Spicer’ proceeded to talk about Trump currently meeting the President of Japan (being unable to pronounce anyone’s name), “extreme vetting” (using Barbie, Action Man and Moana figures to explain his standpoint) and terrorist attacks.

“The problem is all these terror instances that you’re not reporting on,” Spicer said, before listing off numerous ‘unreported attacks': the Bowling Green Massacre (“Not the Kellyanne one, the real one), Horror at six flags, the slaughter at Fraggle Rock, and "The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down".

After mocking Kellyanne Conway promoting and Ivanka Trump products, Kate McKinnon entered as Jeff Sessions, the newly selected Attorney General of the United States.

“We all know there are two types of crime: regular and black,” the character said before being quickly taken off stage. Finishing the sketch, McCarthy’s Spicer drove her podium into the crowd of reporters, getting angrier and angrier before breaking character to shout “Welcome to New York, it’s Saturday Night Live.” Watch the full segment below.

Meanwhile, host Baldwin once again donned orange makeup and blonde wig to impersonate Trump once more.

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