Oprah Winfrey demonstrates her secret talent on camera: cleaning up dog poo

She's been hiding it from the world for years

Ilana Kaplan
New York
Thursday 25 January 2018 21:26 GMT
Oprah shares tips on how to clean up dog poo

Oprah Winfrey is known as a media mogul, actress and potential presidential candidate, but now she can add something else to her repertoire: cleaning up dog poo.

The A Wrinkle In Time star is unbelievably joyful about stain removal in the latest video for Vanity Fair's series "Secret Talent Theatre," which gave fans an inside look at her feces-removal skills.

Winfrey is an artist when it comes to cleaning up dog poo stains and let the world in on her secrets in a very entertaining visual.

"I've had to learn this secret talent over the years because I've had 21 dogs and no matter how well-trained they are, accidents happen," she explained. "The truth of the matter is nobody wants to clean up your dog's poop, so I always like to do that myself."

Don't worry though: Winfrey didn't use real poo in the video.

Instead she used gravy to replicate the effects of diarrhea on a carpet

First, she recommends using club soda, which "loosens the stain" and "makes it easier to blot."

"I love the bubbling part," she exclaims. "This excites me. Look at that—fizz, bubbling, sizzling. Fantaaaaastic! I love it."

Winfrey's reactions are priceless.

The next step, she adds, is adding dish washing liquid.

And then, she recommends using club soda again to watch the stain disintegrate.

Winfrey joyfully asks, "Who even knew we spilled poo over here?"

Finally she says to blot and fluff.

"It's actually whiter than the original!" Winfrey excitedly says.

It's safe to say: Winfrey is an expert at this, and just about everything else she does.

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