Damon Lindelof believes Lost could return in the same way as Star Wars

He's open to people making future attempts at continuing the cult drama

Jacob Stolworthy
Monday 23 January 2017 11:13 GMT

While the series - which was was created by JJ Abrams, Damon Lindelof and Jeffrey Lieber in 2004 - drew to a natural close, Lindelof believes it may not be the end for the cult hit, comparing a future continuation with that of Abrams' very own Star Wars sequel, The Force Awakens.

Speaking to CinemaBlend, Lindelof said: [Co-creator] Carlton [Cuse] and I always said that we welcome any future crack at the [intellectual property]. Lost was bigger than us and bigger than JJ.

"There's something really exciting about the fact that George Lucas sold the Star Wars universe and now the people who grew up watching it are making it. Maybe the same thing could be said for Lost."

This isn't the first time Lindelof's spoken about a potential continuation

He told EW in 2014: "I think there will be more Lost. But I don't think it's gonna come from us. My guess is that some other creative team will come in and take their creative spin on this content, which is really exciting."

Following reboots of popular series 24, Heroes and Prison Break, it's not a stretch to imagine that writers somewhere are toying with ideas of how to bring one of the mid-00's most popular properties back to screen whether it's a direct continuation focusing on a grown-up Walt (Malcolm David Kelley) or a prequel focused on the Dharma Initiative. Perhaps Jacob (Michael Pellegrino) could bring an entire new bunch of characters to the island?

The series, which starred Matthew Fox, Evangeline Lilly, Jorge Garcia and Michael Emerson, follows a group of individuals who crash land on a seemingly deserted tropical island. Its finale remains one of most fiercely debated in television history.

Lindelof's new show, HBO series The Leftovers, concludes this April.

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