Jake Gyllenhaal FaceTimes Ryan Reynolds in the middle of Late Night interview

Christopher Hooton
Friday 24 March 2017 14:49 GMT

Jake Gyllenhaal and Ryan Reynolds have been enjoying themselves during the Life press tour, descending into the sort of hysterical delirium that only endless interviews can produce.

Late Night with Seth Meyers was one of the last stops for Gyllenhaal and, perhaps not believing the actors’ budding bromance, Meyers asserted that Jake wasn’t so chummy with Reynolds that he could just call him up whenever he fancied.

Gyllenhaal was having none of this, whipping out his phone and FaceTiming the Deadpool star.

Unfortunately for viewers (although it did make me believe the moment wasn’t set up) Ryan didn’t pick up, but, in a subsequent YouTube video, Meyers revealed that he did in fact call back during a commercial break.

Gyllenhaal ran onto the set while Meyers was getting his mic sorted, casually FaceTiming with Reynolds and the audience. Ryan was pushing baby strollers at the time, though for some reason wasn’t pressed as to why they were empty.

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