Graham Norton criticised for inviting Johnny Depp on show after making jokes about Kevin Spacey

Viewers have described the choice as 'uncomfortable' and 'ironic'

Clarisse Loughrey
Saturday 04 November 2017 10:53 GMT
Graham Norton criticised for Kevin Spacey jokes after sexual misconduct allegations

Graham Norton has been accused of hypocrisy after last night's show.

The Graham Norton Show invited on, in its latest edition, the stars of Murder on the Orient Express, a gilded affair bringing together some of the most esteemed names in Hollywood: from Michelle Pfeiffer to Judi Dench, alongside director and star Kenneth Branagh.

However, the film has also attracted its share of controversy, due its star Johnny Depp, who was accused of domestic violence by his ex-wife Amber Heard last year. In court documents, Heard alleged she was abused emotionally and physically throughout their marriage.

Depp and Heard released a joint statement after reaching a settlement in which they acknowledged their relationship was "volatile", but said: "Neither party has made false accusations for financial gain. There was never any intent of physical or emotional harm." Depp has always denied all allegations of abuse.

The actor was amongst those invited to sit on Norton's couch for the show, which has sparked discomfort amongst many viewers, who felt his appearance propagated a culture in which those accused of abuse face little to no consequences. Others felt an element of hypocrisy in the fact Norton opened the show with jokes aimed at Kevin Spacey, who has been accused of sexual assault and harassment.

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