Elementary, my dear: US 'Sherlock' remake extended to 22 episodes


Matilda Battersby
Wednesday 24 October 2012 16:47 BST
Lee Miller and actress Lucy Liu as the Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson characters.
Lee Miller and actress Lucy Liu as the Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson characters.

The American remake of British drama Sherlock will be extended into a 22 episode season to be broadcast on CBS.

Elementary, first screened in the UK on Sky Living last night, stars Jonny Lee Miller and actress Lucy Liu as the Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson characters.

It is an American take on the BBC’s Sherlock series in which Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman play modern versions of Arthur Conan Doyle’s ubiquitous investigator and sidekick.

Elementary had initially been commissioned as a 13-part series, but following its US success attracting over 14 million viewers at 10pm on Thursday nights, CBS have decided to extend series one by an additional 9 episodes.

CBS Entertainment president Nina Tassler praised the series for “delivering big audiences and winning performances” adding that the “rich characters, big stars and a unique visual style” helped it to stand out in the crowd.

Set in New York, Elementary has drawn some criticism for Liu’s controversial female take on Holmes’ sidekick (Dr Joan Watson) and for Miller’s Holmes as a recovering drug addict.

Sky Living has agreed the rights to air the entire extended run in the UK.

Elementary follows other successful American remakes of British drama including The Office. Teen gross-out sitcom The Inbetweeners was recently remade to limited critical success; and James Corden and Ruth Jones' Gavin and Stacey is set for trans-Atlantic remake.

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