Charlie Brooker gives update on 2016 Wipe in light of Donald Trump victory

The Black Mirror co-creator is despairing

Jacob Stolworthy
Wednesday 09 November 2016 12:27 GMT

When we spoke to Charlie Brooker last month, the co-creator of Black Mirror provided us with an update on the status of his end-of-year version of TV series Screenwipe.

If he was struggling before, it seems things may have got a whole lot harder following the news that the face of US politics was drastically altered overnight upon the victory of America's new president, Donald Trump.

Brooker offered a further update on the show via his Twitter account - and it seems he's despairing.

In our interview, Brooker told us: "We’d normally have our first winter’s meeting for the end of year show in October; this year we had it in July which gives you an idea of the many horrible things that have happened," he said.

"You know, there have been several stories that have dominated the year – like Brexit, Trump – and, of course, every cultural icon you’ve ever liked dying. There are no laughs in that. We’re still debating how we’re going to cover it. That’s one of my next tasks."

"I’ve thought, ‘worst year ever’ for the last four years so I'm loath to say this year’s the worst year ever because 2017’s coming."

Trump was the focus of a segment in last year's Wipe episode; it's actually a bizarre experience watching it knowing how events would unfold.

The latest season of Black Mirror arrived on Netflix last month featuring episodes starring Bryce Dallas Howard, Jerome Flynn and Kelly MacDonald; you can read our ranking of the episodes here.

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