And Just Like That cast filmed fake scene to throw off fans and paparazzi

***Warning: this article contains major spoilers***

Ellie Harrison
Saturday 11 December 2021 11:45 GMT
And Just Like That teaser

The cast of the new Sex and the City reboot And Just Like That filmed a fake scene to throw off fans and paparazzi, the show’s creator has said.

Michael Patrick King explained that the pretend shoot was to stop people from guessing the major twist at the end of episode one: the death of Chris Noth’s character Big.

Fans were devastated to watch Big die on the floor of his bathroom of a sudden heart attack – a twist that would have packed much less of a punch had it been leaked before the series aired.

In August this year, pictures had emerged of the cast filming a scene that appeared to resemble a funeral.

King has now confessed that Noth was present on the day as a red herring for photographers.

“Chris was really pleased with the collaboration and we’re both very happy with the daring choice to have Mr Big come back and go, so much so that he even put on a suit and came to the funeral when we were taping,” he told press, according to Deadline.

Chris Noth, who plays Mr Big, rides a Peloton before character’s death in ‘And Just Like That’ (And Just Like That/HBO Max/Sky/YouTube)

“And I wrote a fake scene, so he and Sarah Jessica [Parker] put on costumes. He said to me, ‘You really want me to put a face of makeup on and come down and shoot a fictional scene at my funeral?’ I go, ‘Yeah,’ because I really wanted the audience to be as surprised as possible before we did it.”

And Just Like That drops new episodes on Thursdays on Sky Comedy and NOW.

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