Alexandra Burke speaks out over 'lies' about her behaviour on Strictly Come Dancing

'No meltdown... just happy that we made it through another week'

Clarisse Loughrey
Monday 04 December 2017 12:55 GMT

Alexandra Burke has rebuked claims she had a "backstage meltdown" on Strictly Come Dancing, after being voted into the bottom for the second week in a row.

The Sun made claims that the X-Factor winner was "inconsolable" after facing Eastenders actor Davood Ghadami in Sunday night's dance-off, despite topping the leaderboard with her version of the Charleston, performed to Mary Poppins' "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious".

This came only a week after Burke also landed in the dance-off, this time against comedian Susan Calman. Both times, the judges voted to save her, with Calman, then Ghadami, leaving the show.

"Alexandra was sobbing and shaking in the green room after the dance-off," the source said. "She couldn't understand why the public had voted her into the bottom two for the second week in a row despite getting great scores. She had to be reassured by Tess Daly and Claudia Winkleman, she seemed inconsolable."

Burke has now taken to Twitter to deny The Sun's story, writing that she didn't suffer a "meltdown" and that she underwent physiotherapy for an injury before heading home. "Just happy that we made it through another week," she added.

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