The Who's Roger Daltrey: 'Jeremy Corbyn is not a socialist. He’s a communist'

‘Be honest about that and see how many votes you get, Jeremy, because otherwise, you’re going to be moving in to Downing Street under a false premise’

Clarisse Loughrey
Sunday 20 May 2018 09:48 BST

The Who frontman Roger Daltrey has expressed his own distaste for Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn.

“Jeremy Corbyn is not a socialist,” he told Event magazine. “He’s a communist. Be honest about that and see how many votes you get, Jeremy, because otherwise, you’re going to be moving in to Downing Street under a false premise.”

The interview rattled through several of the most controversial debated topics of today. On Brexit, he had this to say: “What I’m against is Brussels, not the EU. I can’t live with that because we lost people in my family fighting for our right to be democratic.”

He also disparaged the #MeToo movement, claiming rock stars are too desirable to women to commit sexual harassment or assault.

“Why would any rock star need to push themselves on women?” he said. “Usually, it’s the other way around. I’d like to have £1 for every woman that screws my ass. Mick Jagger would be a billionaire out of it.

“If it was going to be in the rock business, it would’ve been out by now. It would’ve been out a long time ago,” he added. “I find this whole thing so obnoxious. It’s always allegations and it’s just salacious crap.”

The musician is about to release his first solo album in over 25 years, As Long As I Have You, released on 1 June, which is described as a love letter to his wife of 47 years, Heather Taylor.

He credits the longevity of their marriage to the open nature of their relationship during his tour days, adding: “She knew what business I was in. Was she ever going to believe me coming back from a three-month tour that I’d been a good boy? I mean, come on. Men are men.

“No one needed to say anything, it was all open and it worked. That kind of relationship worked for the aristocracy for centuries. It’s remarkable that we have survived, but we’ve survived because she understood.

“It’s not been all easy and there have been times when I’ve hurt her and that’s upset me, but you can’t go backwards, you have to go forwards. We’ve hung in there and what I love about being married this long is you get the value added.”

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