Kanye West rapped new album in its entirety to Seth Rogen in the back of a limo

Well of course he did

Christopher Hooton
Tuesday 09 December 2014 17:56 GMT
Kanye West performs on stage in Sydney, Australia
Kanye West performs on stage in Sydney, Australia (Getty Images)

In possibly the most Kanye West incident ever, Seth Rogen has revealed how the rapper invited him and his wife to his limo van and proceeded to spit them his new album start to finish.

The pair are well acquainted, with Rogen having parodied the Bound 2 video with James Franco and Kanye later asking the actors to perform it at his wedding.

In an interview with Rolling Stone, Rogen talked about bumping into the rapper recently in a New York hotel lobby.

"Me and my wife had gotten some dessert and were in the lobby getting plates to bring back to our room … And Kanye was like, 'What are you guys doing? Want to hear my new album?'" Rogen explained.

"So he takes us to this limo van and starts playing his album – except there's no lyrics only beats. So he raps the whole album and after each song, he stops it, like 'So what do you think?' We were in the van for two hours!"

This could suggest that Kanye's eagerly-anticipated Yeezus follow-up is two hours long, or that he performed it twice through and Rogen was just too polite to tell him to stop.

The album was expected to drop before the end of the year but now looks like it'll arrive early in 2015, as is the case with Kendrick Lamar's new record.

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