The ultimate Glastonbury packing list - 31 essentials to take to the festival

All the essentials in one list

Jack Shepherd
Friday 17 June 2022 10:08 BST
(Rex Features)

With just a few days left until Glastonbury Festival kicks off, you’re likely running around, packing up the house, ready to move to Worthy Farm for the next few days.

There’s always going to be something you forget, whether as simple as a torch or as annoyingly obvious as a waterproof.

If you’re still wondering ‘what have I forgotten to pack?’ look no further, as here’s our comprehensive packing list of everything you should bring.

The Essentials:

1 - Tent. If you haven’t packed a tent (and aren’t glamping) then you need to get that sorted now. Where else are you going to sleep? Underneath the Pyramid Stage?

A reveller walks through the Tipi Field area of the Glastonbury Festival of Music and Performing Arts on Worthy Farm near the village of Pilton in Somerset
A reveller walks through the Tipi Field area of the Glastonbury Festival of Music and Performing Arts on Worthy Farm near the village of Pilton in Somerset

2 - Sleeping bag. Another essential. It gets cold at night and even if you’ve had a few ciders, it’s never nice to wake up freezing.

3 - Roll mat. And while you’re at it, bring a roll mat. Sleeping on the hard ground is not as comfy as it sounds (and it doesn’t sound comfy anyway).

4 - Blow-up pillow. A cheap buy that can make those nights slightly more comfortable. Plus, they hardly take up any room at all in your bag, which reminds me.

5 - Backpack. No, I’m not talking about the huge hiking bag you’ve packed everything into (we’ve presumed you already have one of those). No, we’re talking a backpack you can sling on for the long day of band-watching ahead. How else are you going to carry all those tinies around with you?

6 - Wellies. Take wellies! It’s going to get muddy (it always does, whatever the weather). Don't be mislead by sunshine beforehand.

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Festival goers enjoy the atmosphere at the Glastonbury Festival at Worthy Farm, Pilton
Festival goers enjoy the atmosphere at the Glastonbury Festival at Worthy Farm, Pilton (Getty)

7 - Torch. Probably best to get a head torch, that way you’ve got your hands free when manoeuvring around the tent (which you’ve now remembered to pack).

8 - Watch. If you rely on your phone to tell the time, remember that phones often run out of battery, and you don’t want to be that guy constantly asking what the time is to make sure you don’t miss New Order on the Other Stage.

9 - Loo roll/wet wipes. We all need to use the toilet. So, remember, take loo roll. The wet wipes have multiple uses, mainly for giving yourself a little scrub down after your friend decides it’s funny to splash mud at you.

Revellers relax in front of the Other stage at Worthy Farm in Somerset during the Glastonbury Festival in Britain, June 27, 2015
Revellers relax in front of the Other stage at Worthy Farm in Somerset during the Glastonbury Festival in Britain, June 27, 2015 (Reuters)

10 - Toiletries: Deodorant, toothbrush, toothpaste, tampons, contraceptives, dry shampoo, etc - just a few of the smaller things you need to make sure you take. Luckily, if you do forget anything, there are shops on hand to pick up those long forgotten items.

11 - Money. If you do forget things, you’re going to need some cash to buy what you need. Plus, you’ll want to sample some of the food on offer, as well as the festival’s famous cider.

12 - Sturdy water bottle. While you may be thinking ‘I’ll just drink alcohol for five days straight,’ that’s not a healthy way of living. You’ll need water, and carrying around a refillable bottle is the best way about it as there are dozens of taps on site.

13 - Food. Another pretty obvious one. You need to eat, right? Dry snacks are always a good shout, things like cereal bars.

(Rex Features
(Rex Features (Rex Features)

14 - Phone. Whether it’s the cheap Nokia you just bought from EE for £10 or the iPhone you’re scared of breaking but want to take for the WiFi, remember to take something to communicate with your friends.

15 - Portable phone charger. Chances are you’ll spend most of your time wandering the fields lost, trying to get in contact with anyone you know. Your battery is going to drain, so make sure you have something to charge up with.

16 - Earplugs. Not only are these useful for sleeping, but when it comes to certain late-night concerts, sometimes things could be done with turning down a touch or two. You really don’t want to damage your hearing.

17 - Suntan lotion If it does get sunny, make sure you don’t burn.

18 - Hat. Don’t forget to take a hat to protect you from the sun/a wooly hat to keep you warm at night.

(Rex Features
(Rex Features (Rex Features)

19 - Clothes for hot and cold. As noted, it does get cold at night, so make sure you’ve packed a warm jumper or two. Some thick socks are also useful, especially for keeping your wellies from rubbing. On the other end of the spectrum, shorts are always useful for those sunny days.

20 - Waterproof. A really easy one to forget, but when it starts tipping it down, you’ll be thankful you remembered to take that thick jacket.

21 - Medication/Med kit. If you’re on medication, don’t forget it. For those who need it, paracetamol is also a must take, as are plasters, safety pins etc. You never know what’s going to happen.

22 - Bin bags. Useful in keeping your campsite clean and packing up those dirty clothes. Also, for putting your muddy wellies for the journey home.

23- Ticket and ID. Whatever you do, it will all be for nothing if you don’t take your ticket. And you'll need your ID to.

The not-so-essentials:

24 - Camping chair. You’re going to want to sit down with your friends without getting a soggy bottom. Not quite an essential, but almost there.

(Rex Features)

25 - Booze. If you want to drink with your friends but don’t want to constantly be buying £5 beers, remember to take your own. Just remember, drink responsibly, and only bring enough for personal use. And definitely not in glass bottles.

26 - Silly clothing. Everyone wants to look the part when they’re at Glastonbury, so remember to pack that ridiculous hat and those trousers for the occasion. And a flower garland - can’t forget that.

27 - Disposable camera. You’re going to want to remember the good times without risking your expensive camera, so take a disposable one.

28 - Fanny pack. To carry your phone, money, etc in if you don’t want to lug around a rucksack.

29 - Funny flag. You’re going to need to find your tent again, so pop a huge flag up to remind your friends where you camped.

The crowd at Glastonbury enjoying an evening of entertainment
The crowd at Glastonbury enjoying an evening of entertainment

30 - Rehydration tablets. For that Saturday morning hangover.

31 - Duct tape. If there’s a rip in your tent, always good to patch it up!

And there you have it. Hopefully, you also have a magic bag to fit that all in. See you there.

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