Solo: A Star Wars Story writer suggests sequel would be ‘a tough sell’ for Disney+

Development has been quiet on sequel to Han Solo origin story since 2018 film underperformed

Adam White
Wednesday 01 April 2020 09:47 BST
Solo: A Star Wars Story trailer

A potential sequel to the Star Wars spin-off Solo: A Star Wars Story would be a “tough sell”, one of its screenwriters has suggested.

Alden Ehrenreich starred in the Han Solo prequel movie, which was released in 2018 to mixed reviews and disappointing box office.

Development on a potential sequel has been noticeably quiet in the years since, with fans of the film urging streaming platform Disney+ to greenlight a follow-up or a series inspired by the movie.

Jon Kasdan, who co-wrote the film with his father Lawrence, has now poured water on the idea.

“Don’t think anyone’s pursuing a Solo sequel at the moment,” he wrote to a fan on Twitter. “I think a feature, at this point, would be a tough sell.”

He also suggested that the slate of forthcoming Star Wars projects in development for Disney+ might be too busy for a Solo sequel to get a look-in.

“The D+ Star Wars slate is really… pretty packed, all shows I'm lookin forward to,” he added.

Kasdan then elaborated further in a second tweet, explaining: “[A Solo TV series is] hard to advocate for & here’s why: with multiple SW series in development/production, set at different points in the timeline.

“Without knowing what stories they're telling (& I don’t) hard to know what a Solo series would even be with so much on the way.”

Directed by Ron Howard and also starring Emilia Clarke, Donald Glover and Woody Harrelson, Solo: A Star Wars Story was designed as the latest in a series of spin-off movies based around classic franchise characters.

Following a troubled production, in which its original directors were replaced mid-shoot, the film was released to underwhelming box office.

On a budget of at least $275m, it grossed just $393m worldwide, making it the lowest-grossing live-action Star Wars film in history.

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